Saturday, November 16, 2013

Never say never!

"Life never goes according to plan.  That's okay, because often our plans are much smaller than life intends.  Probably EASIER, but smaller." ~ Stacey T. Hunt

Aside from the three foster cats we'd "showcased" at the store (one at a time...not all at once!) for a local rescue group, we've taken in another six homeless cats on our own over the last year and a bit, doing the fund-raising ourselves to pay for their vetting (testing, vaccinating, spaying or neutering...and anything else they needed treatment for), before finding adoptive homes for them.  We certainly hadn't planned to become involved in fostering cats on our own, but then we ended up with a poor little abandoned cat that none of the rescue groups I'd contacted could take in at that particular time (sadly, many rescues are short of space and funding), and that's how it began.

Although we obviously love cats (we have several of our own, plus a store cat), I find it very stressful to charge sometimes several hundreds of dollars to my credit card for Vet care for our fosters, while hoping to be able to raise enough money to pay for it...which doesn't always happen.  Despite collecting donations, putting on auctions, etc, I have come up short a time or two after fund-raising for a particular foster; but I just focus on the fact that the dear kitty is off the streets, and hope that Karma will remember me later.  After having three foster cats at one time this past Spring, and suffering from what I refer to as "fund-raising overload" (FRO), I swore I'd never do it again!  No, it's okay, you can laugh.

I also swore I'd never have more than one foster at a time again...*pause for more laughter*...and here we are with two more, and a possible third "waiting in the wings".  *Sigh!*  So, what's my point?  No, I'm not looking for "a pat on the back", but just to make the point that we should "Never say never", because you don't know what's around the corner, and sadly, when it comes to homeless cats, there are always so many of them around the corner.  While I can't personally take them all in, I do what I can.  I know there will be a time...probably lots of times...when I'll swear I'll never do it again, and there have already been situations (like during my recent surgery) when I can't do it at that particular time, but I promise to TRY to "Never say never"...and I also promise that you can all laugh at me when I do!  :)

~ Leesa

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cats, cats everywhere...has made us stop and think...

To date, Our Mother's Keepers has collected over $1,300.00 for 21 different "Featured Causes", plus other things like: food for the food bank, cat food and litter for two local cat rescue groups, and soap for our "Soap Drive for Haiti" at the height of the Cholera epidemic in 2011.  We've sometimes taken a break from our usual Featured Causes to collect donations for the six "street rescue" cats we've vetted and adopted out from the store, and although we're unable to foster any cats at the store at this time (due to my upcoming surgery), we're currently taking donations to help vet two more "street rescues", which we hope to assist before the weather gets very cold.  

In our hurry to collect enough funds to be able to help with vetting and finding these latest two a home before it gets cold, we started to think about fundraising BEFORE rather than AFTER we agree to help any others, so that we will already have the funds immediately available to have them vetted when they come along.  Therefore, we've decided to "test drive" having our "Street Rescue" fund as our permanent "Featured Cause".  This doesn't mean we won't occasionally put out a donation box or jar on the counter for another worthy cause at their request, it just means that we won't be choosing different causes ourselves every month or two to promote as our featured cause.  

Sammie, the store cat. and former "street rescue"

Having a store cat, Sammie, who is a former "street rescue" himself, makes this decision a great fit for the store, as he can be our ambassador to help others like him find homes.  [Note: we are still unable to foster any cats at the store until after my surgery, and we will still NOT take "drop offs" (ie. unwanted cats) at the store; there is a protocol for any cats we agree to assist.  We are still NOT a cat rescue, but we want to continue to help some of those cats who don't seem to have other options.]  We hope all of our wonderful customers support us in this decision, and we assure you that we will still carry various products that benefit and support a variety of causes and groups from around the world.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Good ol' Gratitude!

Gratitude..seems like a simple concept...easily understood...hardly worth mentioning, right??  Well, Gratitude is a truly powerful force, and a motivating factor in my own life, so I feel it needs mentioning...and mentioning often...'cuz if you're like me, and the trials of life sometime get you down, it really REALLY helps to think of all the things you have to be grateful for instead.

I tried to impart that bit of wisdom to a couple of people lately, with differing results: one just kind of snorted, kept adding things to the long list of "Life Grievances" he was compiling, and became even more miserable; the other paused to think about what I'd said, then her attitude changed, she started focusing on the good in her life rather than the bad, and we were soon swapping jokes rather than sharing a "gripe session".  See?  It DOES work to focus on the positive rather than the negative.  

Has this ever happened to you: something goes wrong, you start thinking, "So, it's going to be one of THOSE days, is it?", you start fretting about all the negatives in life (current problems...perhaps past concerns...maybe even future worries), then "wham!", "Wham!!", "WHAM!!!", now everything seems to be going wrong and it turns into a really bad day?  I've been there myself...but I find it happens less and less when I stop and take the time to focus on the good, rather than the bad.  

Not that life is perfect, or ever will be...for anyone...but I truly believe that you attract what you project, and if you're giving the majority of your attention to the negatives in your life by focusing on and fretting about them, then life often seems to respond by throwing more of the same negativity at you.  Does that mean that good, positive, happy people don't have bad things happen in their lives?  No, of course not.  We'll all have challenges to deal with, it's a part of life that we simply cannot change, but I think it's how we respond to the difficulties that makes the difference.  

If something happens that you can't control, (like having a chronic illness, for instance) will being depressed or angry make it go away?  Nope.  In fact, all that stress might make the condition even worse.  So do what you can to deal with it, and be grateful for all that you do have; it won't make the difficulties go away, but it will make dealing with them more pleasant for you and everyone around you.

Just my little thought for the day...thanks for listening...

~ Leesa

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Thank you!" is just not enough!

Our Mother's Keepers will be celebrating its third anniversary soon!  I can hardly believe seems like just yesterday we were painting the store (the first time, that is!), commissioning our mural, and ordering our opening stock.  In the past three years we've achieved so many of the things we set out to collecting and donating over $1,200.00 and other goods to worthy causes around the world through our "Featured Cause" program...and we've even accomplished some things we didn't originally plan to foster (sometimes also have tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered) and adopt out 9 homeless cats!  For these achievements and the ongoing success of our business, we thank our customers, supporters, mentors, friends, and family...yet, merely saying "Thank you!" doesn't seem adequate to express my gratitude.

I truly feel blessed to be part of this community; to meet, serve, support, share with, and learn from all the people I interact with each day.  I enjoy hosting events at the store, so that I may continue expanding my own knowledge, while helping others learn along with me.  I'm happy to feature items from local crafts-people as well as diverse groups of crafters from around the world.  I'm honoured when people come to our shop for the thoughtfully selected products and services we offer, whether it's an eco-friendly reusable produce bag, a natural locally-made soap, or a sage stick and smudging instructions.  Again, "Thank you!" doesn't seem enough.

I've written before of my desire to "do good" (see my "Mother's Musings" post in this blog), but I don't think I've mentioned that I was inspired by daughter and the selfless deeds she's performed from a young age...from her generous acts of charity, to her concern for the environment, to her compassion for animals.  Like any mother, I hope I've been somewhat responsible for helping guide my daughter to be the loving, caring person she is, but I'm also grateful to her, for making me want to be more and do more myself.  She is the reason I want to help make the world a better, happier place, and why the focus of our store is to promote peace, nurture the soul, care for the planet, and show compassion to all who inhabit the earth.  "Thank you!" is definitely not enough there.

~ Leesa

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Got the "Winter Blahs"??

Well, we had a busy Christmas season here at Our Mother's Keepers; Sammie (the store cat) and I are grateful to each and every one of our customers who help keep us in business and allow us to do what we love.  Now that the hectic shopping season is over, things have slowed down a bit, but luckily Sam and I have lots of things to keep us busy: counting inventory, end of year accounting, restocking the merchandise and supplies, and we're always on the lookout for new product lines.

I talk about the store cat, Sammie, as if he was as much a part of the running of the business as I am, and that's because...well...he IS.  Sam's become a real fixture here, and has generated quite a following.  He loves people and usually runs to greet most of the shoppers who come into the fact, Sammie goes into a bit of a depression when traffic naturally drops off after Christmas; he misses all of the people and the attention they give him.  There's a good way to beat the "Winter Blahs"...stop in and give Sam a little rub...he'll love it, and I hear petting an animal is good for lifting moods and lowering blood pressure!

While you're in the store, making Sam's day, feel free to help yourself to one of OMK's new "Inspiration Cookies"...okay, they're not really cookies, we only call them that because they remind us of "fortune cookies"...without the cookie part, that is!  They're just little inspirational quotes, which we hope will give a little "pick me up" to anyone who could use one.  The best part about our Inspiration Cookie (other than being calorie-free!) is that you can pass it along: place it on the desk of a co-worker, slip it in the pocket of a friend, leave it on the table with your tip when dining out...just share the positivity.  You never know when a seemingly small gesture will make a very big difference in someone's there's a great way to beat the Winter Blahs!

If you need another idea for beating the Winter Blahs, how about donating to our "You Choose" Featured Cause?  The OMK family knows from experience that it feels good to give!  To date, Our Mother's Keepers has collected at least $1,164.00 for 16 different Featured Causes.  Plus, we've also collected food for the food bank as well as a local outreach centre, hand-knit winter accessories for children and adults in need, 600 bars of soap in our "Soap Drive for Haiti" during the cholera epidemic, and cat food and litter for two local rescue groups.  This time, when you put money in our donation jar, you also get to write the name of your favourite charity on a ballot; at the end of the promotion, all of the money collected will go to the charity written on the winning ballot, which will be drawn at random.  I think that knowing your ballot was the one responsible for a worthy cause recieving a much needed donation would be a pretty blah-busting feeling!  What do you say...feeling lucky?

UPDATE: the winning ballot and the recipient of the donations collected for the "You Choose" Featured Cause was The Canadian Breast Cancer Society.  Thank you for your support!

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop