Thursday, September 24, 2015

*Waves a white flag!*

Okay, so the "blog post a week" challenge I issued to myself is NOT working out so's been nearly a MONTH since my last blog post!!  Foster kittens, health issues (my own), foster kittens with health issues (we have one lil' rescue kitty who is the "runt" of the litter, and she's having a hard time gaining weight)...I've been a busy gal lately!  Oh well, to use a timeworn phrase, "it is what it is", right?  I've learned not to get so "bent out of shape" over such things as intentions that somehow didn't turn out as I'd planned.  Imagine that!  Me...the anxiety Queen...learning to let things go!  Whether it's because I'm tired, or getting old, or tired (yeah, I know I've already mentioned that one!), learning to say "Whatever!" more often (instead of hitting the panic button!) has been good for me.

Besides, it's really easy to take a more relaxed attitude, when the reason I'm slacking on blogging is because of things like THIS:

Miss Cleo, rescue kitty mentioned above.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Ha ha ha ha ha!!

There's an old Yiddish proverb that goes, "Man plans and God laughs."  Ain't that the truth?!?  I set a goal of writting a blog post every week...then I agreed to foster a litter of kittens, so I fell behind by a week.  I'm now fostering TWO litters of kittens, and another 4 month old kitten!!  Add this to my already-full-house of cats and I barely have time to blink, never mind blog, so now I'm behind by a couple of weeks!  All of those kennels to clean, boxes to scoop, spay incisions to check, medications to administer, bowls to fill, cuddles to give...I don't mind though, what else am I going to do with my time?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Kittens!! 'Nuff said!!

Okay, so I've been neglecting my blog lately, and recently posted about challenging myself to write more often.  My goal was a post every week...that's managable, right?  And then I had the bright idea to foster a litter of kittens!!  It sounded like a good idea; my "foster room" at home wasn't being used much, and I know from experience that you should get outdoor-born kittens inside and socialized while they're very young, otherwise they can remain skittish and aren't as adoptable as friendly kittens.  A foster home was needed for some kittens; I had a foster room...made sense to me!

But I'd forgotten how energetic kittens are!!

Don't get me wrong, they are sweet and adorable, and make me laugh with their antics, but I think I'm too old for kittens!  I'm used to rescuing sick, injured, or old cats; they're quiet and me!!

So.  This counts as a blog post.  Can I take a nap now?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I am a terrible blogger!

I started a blog because I love to write.  Sadly, I don't have a lot of time to write, so I've been slacking -- big time!  I thought of challenging myself to write a blogpost every day (week??), but I know I'd feel "schmucky" if I failed at my own challenge, and who wants to feel "schmucky"...especially when they did it to themselves?!  Besides, this blog is (was supposed to be) about my store, and while, yes, things change quite often around here and I'm sure I could write about a different product every week, I decided a while back that blogging about particular products is not ideal, since some are seasonal or one-of-a-kind (especially when it comes to consignment crafts), and I don't want someone to read an old blog post about a product and come in looking for it, only to discover that it sold out months ago.  



Perhaps a challenge is just what I need...potential "schmucky-ness" or not!

Fine.  You've talked me into it!  <winky face>

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Let's Talk

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 is Bell Let's Talk Day, a day to encourage people to share their stories, raise awareness, and help end the stigma surrounding mental health issues.  As a business owner who tries to give back to my community (both my local and global community), I support many efforts to make the world a better place.  As someone whom others seem to find it easy to open up to, I've seen the difference it makes to a struggling person when I'm able to provide an open mind, a listening ear, and a shoulder to lean on.  And as a person who has struggled with health issues and depression most of my adult life, I know how important it is to be able to talk, to put a face to this subject, and to bring the topic of mental health out of the closet and into the light.

So, let's talk.  Don't be scared, embarrassed, or ashamed; you're not alone.  Talk to each other, talk to a health professional, talk to someone who can help you find support.

~ Leesa