Thursday, September 24, 2015

*Waves a white flag!*

Okay, so the "blog post a week" challenge I issued to myself is NOT working out so's been nearly a MONTH since my last blog post!!  Foster kittens, health issues (my own), foster kittens with health issues (we have one lil' rescue kitty who is the "runt" of the litter, and she's having a hard time gaining weight)...I've been a busy gal lately!  Oh well, to use a timeworn phrase, "it is what it is", right?  I've learned not to get so "bent out of shape" over such things as intentions that somehow didn't turn out as I'd planned.  Imagine that!  Me...the anxiety Queen...learning to let things go!  Whether it's because I'm tired, or getting old, or tired (yeah, I know I've already mentioned that one!), learning to say "Whatever!" more often (instead of hitting the panic button!) has been good for me.

Besides, it's really easy to take a more relaxed attitude, when the reason I'm slacking on blogging is because of things like THIS:

Miss Cleo, rescue kitty mentioned above.