Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Let's Talk

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 is Bell Let's Talk Day, a day to encourage people to share their stories, raise awareness, and help end the stigma surrounding mental health issues.  As a business owner who tries to give back to my community (both my local and global community), I support many efforts to make the world a better place.  As someone whom others seem to find it easy to open up to, I've seen the difference it makes to a struggling person when I'm able to provide an open mind, a listening ear, and a shoulder to lean on.  And as a person who has struggled with health issues and depression most of my adult life, I know how important it is to be able to talk, to put a face to this subject, and to bring the topic of mental health out of the closet and into the light.

So, let's talk.  Don't be scared, embarrassed, or ashamed; you're not alone.  Talk to each other, talk to a health professional, talk to someone who can help you find support.

~ Leesa