Friday, August 28, 2015

Ha ha ha ha ha!!

There's an old Yiddish proverb that goes, "Man plans and God laughs."  Ain't that the truth?!?  I set a goal of writting a blog post every week...then I agreed to foster a litter of kittens, so I fell behind by a week.  I'm now fostering TWO litters of kittens, and another 4 month old kitten!!  Add this to my already-full-house of cats and I barely have time to blink, never mind blog, so now I'm behind by a couple of weeks!  All of those kennels to clean, boxes to scoop, spay incisions to check, medications to administer, bowls to fill, cuddles to give...I don't mind though, what else am I going to do with my time?


  1. You're doing such a great thing helping all of these unfortunate little beings, and of course you wouldn't have it any other way xoxo
